Television industries and audiences

LO:To research the history, companies and regulators in the television industry. 

Publicly owned TV channel-PSB 

Commercial TV channel- commercial broadcasting, owed by a privately owned company, makes a profit. 

Convergence- The progressive merging of traditional broadcast and internet content. Joining technologies into one device. 

Watershed- The time when TV programmes might be unsuitable for children. 

Segmented market- The process of organising your target audience based on shared characteristics. 

Mainstream- normal conventional. The media that influences people. 

Self regulating- They regulate themselves, they are not regulated by the usual regulators. 

Franchise- collection of related media. Licence from a company to use format/show/ideas. 

Channel surfing- Flicking and browsing through the channels. 

PSB- Public service broadcasting, their main aim is to benefit the public rather than to make a profit, funded by TV licence. 

TV Licence- allows you to watch and record any channel via any tv service. Tax, funds the bbc, funds PSBs 

Scheduling- deciding what shows to show at what time timing and continuity of advertisement. Number of advertising giving to a selected media vehicle and frequency of the ads.

Conglomerate- a company that owns other companies involved in mass media enterprises. 

1)TV was first introduced in the uk in 1936.

2) 3 channels were available in 1965 they were BBC, BBC2 and ITV 

3) September 1955, ITV was launched, it reduced the popularity of BBC who was the only TV channel at the time it had adverts. 

4) BBC, channel 3, channel 4, channel 5, S4C Channel 3 services, Channel 4, Channel 5, S4C

5) OFCOM regulates UK TV. 

6) the law/ the government bearing in mind that there were only like 3 channels. 

7)In the 60s, there were only limited channels 3 in 1965 before ore channels were introduced, whereas now, we have hundreds of live channels and we have streaming services and the ability to record and catch-up on our favourite channels. We have Netflix, Disney plus amazon prime ect.

Thursday 23rd November 2023

Television Industries: Ownership and regulation

OFCOM regulates TV and radio. 


Our mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain".

1. To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them.

2. To support learning for people of all ages

3. To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services

4. To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom

5. To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world

ITV, Channel 4 and 5 are all commercial. They are also terrestrial channels sp they have a very lax PSB remit. 


They make money from adverts, sponsorship, subscriptions, in programme phomelines and voting, product placement. 

ITV- conglomerate, non profit. 

Broadcast anything of national importance. 
Produce accessible content. 

Our purpose is to entertain and connect with millions of people in the UK and globally, reflecting and shaping culture and building brands with brilliant content and creativity. This is aligned to our 2026 strategic vision, to be a leader in UK advertiser-funded streaming and an expanding global force in content.

Our Social Purpose strategy is an integral part of delivering our purpose and our strategic vision. See our Social Purpose website for further details

Our initiatives to drive growth and future value are clear. Delivering our vision will be achieved by focusing on three strategic pillars:

Advantages:They don't have to follow such a strict remit. 

Love island was the most expensive programme. 

Love Island is the most popular TV show. 

They use a lot of reality TV because that's that is most popular and will make them more money. 

Duopoly-Two corporations controlled all programmes in the 1960s.

Thursday 14th December

TV audiences

LO:To explore how audiences consume TV dramas and the appeals.

Mobile phones-live or streamed or recorded

TV-live or streamed or recorded

Laptop-live or streamed or recorded

Time shifted- Recorded/catchup

interactivity-voting, tweeting, calls, 

spoilers-immediacy, excitement


second screening-screenings that encourage audiences to join discussions on various social media during a live TV show. 

Theory-active audience

Passive audience accepts and believes everything a media text tells them. They are easily influenced and don't question any messages conveyed. 

An active audience interacts with a media text and makes its own decisions about whether to accept and believe everything. They question messages and may interpret meanings differently.

why we are more active-

More channels

Different platforms

second screening


greater range of messages

better access to media

we are more aware that sources may not be reliable. 


Creates publicity and becomes very competitive.

competitive scheduling. 

Peak viewing-6-9PM when more people are watching. 
protects children and vulnerable people

TV Drama- Organised into a series of episodes, one off programmes do not count as TV Dramas

Crime drama-Jeffrey Dhamer 
Period drama-Peaky blinders
Teen drama- Vampire diary
Medical drama-Casualty
Sci-fi Drama- Doctor Who
Fantasy dramas-Stranger things
political drama- Suits

Thursday 25th January 2024
 Emma Peel- M appeal, used to attract the male gaze, used to appeal to men. 
The 4th series had a higher budget due to the fact that they merged with an American production company CNS?
John steed main character, 
Piggy Warren, Mrs Manson, Tom Smallwood, Mr Brandon. 

Sterotypical english gentleman- top hat, posh accent, neat, crips suit, in charge.
Anti-stereotypes of Emma Peel- Physically taxing job, clever, rich by her self, not scared when being put at gun point, she was driving
Stereotypes of Emma Peel- Appealing to the men,  wears modern and trendy clothes which represents the younger generation back then, dodgy women driving. 
Stereotypes of the fisherman- chunky knit jumper, ugly hat lobster pot. 
Stereotypes of women- Work in places lie schools with children, mens jobs are better ranking, they are over ruled by the men, treated as more fragile. 
stereotypes of men- Men have more physically taxing jobs and are allowed ti carry weapons without it being sketch. Better intellectually than women, more able, have power over women and their choices. 
Ex Military- Fancy hairstyles, posh clothes but worn in a different, trendier way, drink a lot, good senses. 

women got into hair pulling fight, men got into physical fights. 

The Avengers:Extract analysis                                                                       Thursday 29th February 2024
LO:To explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract. 

The way they put cuts together to create a narrative. 

Juxtaposition/graphic match
speed of editing
post production effects:CGI, green screening 

cutting on action-cutting as the movement happens
Cut away- cuts away to something else in the middle of a scene
cross cutting- cutting back and forth between locations
Jump cut- shows the passing of time, jumps in time
graphic match- visual match from one scene to another to link the scene

graphic match-candle flame to fire links the area w the fire to where Emma Peel might be.
Cut away and zoom to Emma Peels bags- tells us piggy Warren is lying, gives us Steeds view.
cutting on action- during the scene, adds drama to the scene, shows the movements, 
the cuts get shorter during the fight scene to emphasise he speed of the fight and to show the chaos and excitement in the scene. 

They have used cutting in action during the fight scene, this is used to show the speed of the fight and to add suspense and excitement to the scene, it shows the speed of the movements as well as showing us an extensive list of movements, this makes sure that the audience sees as much as possible, again adding excitement and suspense to the scene, connotes action. 

When the vicar pulled out the gun, they played a sound effect of a church organ being played, they used this very deep, loud sound to direct the audiences attention solely to the gun, it also makes the audience more surprised by this action, adds suspense and shock to the scene. 

Thursday 7th march 2024
1)Camerawork, mise en scene, sound, editing

1)In the extract, camerawork is used to show facial expression, for example when they use a close up shot of John Steed's face shows his expression when he hears a noise, shows how he was unaffected and unafraid of the possibility that he could be in danger, that someone was coming. Whereas they used wide, establishing shots to create a focus on the scene,  showing how much of an overgrown, desolate area it was, this makes the scene look very creepy, isolated and makes the audience feel a lot more uncomfortable. 

2) They created a lot of tension in this extract with their use of sound, when the non-diegetic music got louder and faster, it built suspense as we could tell that it was a sign of danger, danger getting closer, we could tell that some sort of fight or action was about to occur. There was also a lot of very fast paced camerawork in the fight scene to add suspense as it shows how fast everything was happening and the fast pace means its more action filled, shows more of the characters movements. They used cross cutting to switch between Steed's face showing how he was backed into a corner, showing how vulnerable he is, he is in a dangerous position, which is being juxtaposed when they switch to the face of the blacksmith who is sporting a very triumphant, somewhat psychopathic expression, this adds suspense as the audience don't know whether Steed can get himself out of this pickle, the audience will worry about Steed. 

3)The extract uses a vast number of stereotypes to create a stereotypical representation of men for example, Steed fighting with the blacksmith, fighting being a more manly activity, physical violence would have been seen as a strength for men if men weren't good at fighting they were seen as weak and more feminine, they use the stereotype that men are violent towards each other and physically strong. They also use the stereotype that men are stronger than and abusive towards women, for example when we see that the vicar had tied Ms Peele to the chair, connoting that men physically have power over women and that men are physically violent towards them. Men are very intellectual and clever

Thursday 21st March 2024
Today, issues like patriotism have been decreased, less people have patriotic and misoginistic views, more equality between men and women. Peoples views against sexuality is more relaxed, there is more equality and there is less homophobia.

Television in the 2010s 
LO: To explore the content of the 2010s and the effect on TV shows and audiences. 

Cuffs was released in 2015. There had been major shifts in attitudes since the 1960s and the equality act in 2010 meant that any discrimination was illegal, by this time, Britain had become a far more multicultural country. 

Cuffs-BBC 1

Aired in october 2015 part of the winter schedule
broadcast at 8 pm on a Wednesday peak viewing time, the one day when they were not showing eastenders so there was a lot of pressure to hold up a large audience. 

9pm- 15+
10pm- 18+

pre-watershed, cuffs targeted a broader, family audience 16-65
offered a range of characters and storylines   ensamble cast
fits modern post 2010 populist format, featuring relatable, everyday scenarios

PC Ryan-Main focus of the first episode, experienced policeman
PC Jake Vickers- New, inexperienced, son of the chief
DS Joe- affair with the chief
Chief Super Robert Vickers- Boss, put his son straight into the police force without the proper training
PC Lino- Comical character, falls behind, not the main focus in the first episode kind of a funny background character. 

Thursday 18th April 2024

more racial equality, more gender equality, lack of respect for authoritative figures, a lot more open about mental health and drug abuse. 

Cuffs and audience appeal
LO: To analyse the appeals of TV drama

hero- the police- they're solving crimes, capturing criminals and keeping people safe which also puts them at great danger. specifically Ryan
villain- The public/criminals- they cause havoc and harm which the police then have to fix. Also Robert Vickers
donor- Jo
helper- Lino and Donna
princess- solving crimes, keeping peace on the streets
princess' father-
The dispatcher-
False hero- Jake Vickers

Audience Appeals (U&G)

Personal identity- things or characters that people can relate to reinforces who you think you are. 
information- gives you information about certain topics
entertainment- escaping reality, hooks the audience
social interaction- people talk about it in person or online with other people, gives people something to discuss

personal identity- working adults can relate to the feeling of having to work a tough job, real life police officers can relate to the struggles of policing. ensemble cast meaning that there is many characters for the audience to relate to.
information- The series works almost like a documentary in the way that it teaches the audience about the day to day lives of police officers and their struggles, also gives the audience better insight into the happenings in a city environment. 
entertainment- A whole drama series, the episodes link together, you can just watch episode after episode after episode and learn new stuff. comedic elements. personal drama. 
social interaction- Talk about the programme to others, gossip about the programme, tweets are shared ect. 

cuffs and social contexts

LO: To analyse representation and influence of social and cultural context. 

less of a patriarchal society- more women in authoritative rolls, however the most authoritative roles are still given to the males. 

Traditional masculine and feminine qualities are not reserved for particular genders- Lino is unfit whereas donna is seen to be in better shape, out of the two of them she seems to be leading, she seems to be the brains and the strength. 

women in high roles- Jo is the DC she has a high ranking job, she was also picked for the important interview 

Jake is openly gay, this shows a differing view against masculinity, also Ryan is a single dad and takes on many household roles that may be seen as feminine or motherly. 

Thursday 25th Aril 2024

The police were represented as authoritative figures, however their authority is not taken seriously and they are not respected. They were not trusted and the public were disrespectful. They represented the challenges the police face daily as negative such as public disrespect and understaffing. realistic representations of policing. 

Cuffs and social contexts
LO: to analyse representation and influence of social and cultural context in cuffs. 

Jake Vickers- Presented as knew and vulnerable in the job, he doesn't know too much regarding policing he hold himself too highly and believes he deserved the job straight off the bat however he still has a lot to learn, hes very keen to learn. Jake is openly gay however this does not seem to effect his masculinity in any way, this differs from 1960s TV showing that in 2015 is far more accepting of different sexualities. 

Felix Kane- Seen as a very diligent and hard worker, he doesn't show his feelings too much, quite hidden in that aspect quite withdrawn. He doesn't seem to be very talkative, he works alone, isolated character. The last we see of him shows he has definitely got issues. Hes very calm in the way that he works, not masculine and tough. gentle character. 

Ryan- Ryan is represented in a way that both follows gender stereotypes and challenges them, he is very powerful and respected, very smart compared to Jake, knows how to do his job well, he is very fast, courageous and brave these follow masculine gender stereotypes, however he is also very gentle, kind and emotional, often taking on the more maternal, motherly role within his house in order to take care of his kids, this challenges masculine gender stereotypes and follows more feminine stereotypes.

We have a multicultural society- Ryan, the teenager that got stabbed and Lino seems to be from Italy ect. The cast has a diverse range of ethnicities both within the police force and in the public. 
Differences in ethnicity are accepted- Ryan has an authoritative roll as a policeman
Racism still exists- The racist man stabs the teenager and attempts an attack on Ryan. 
Racist group represented very negatively- They were already recognised for their extreme views and prejudice behaviours, they were apprehended for the attack. Very anti-social behaviours- aggressive, noisy, daytime drinking all in public, they physically attacked a teenager, they walked together in gangs/groups, they looked scruffy and tatted, stereotypes of gangs and other anti-social behaviours. 
The powerful anti-racist message reflects societies attitudes in 2015- The fact that the racist attacker was already recognised for his extreme views and was later apprehended for his attack on the teenager shows how racism is no longer accepted in society, the racist was seen as a criminal, this would not have been the case in the 1960s. 

Different ages are represented to have complicated personal lives- Ryan has a complicated personal life, being a single dad with different aged kids, Jake seems to have a difficult personal life being that his mother is terminally sick and his father is having an affair with a colleague, given that he does not know of this affair but still. 
Younger generation is seen to be attractive, physically fit and energetic- We have not seen Robert Vickers running around, however we have seen donna, Ryan and Jake training towards the end of the episode. 
Youth is associated with inexperience and age with experience- Ryan is viewed as very good at his job and experienced, as is Robert Vickers, Felix and Jo, this differs from the way that Jake is seen as very new and vulnerable to the job, very young and inexperienced. 


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