Music Magazine

Monday 27th March 2023

Music genre:

LO:To identify and explain different music genres


1)Country=costume-hat, jeans-belt, tanned, belt, 30s, guitar, some facial hair

2)Rock=costume-leather jacket, flannel shirts, button up shirts, skinny jeans, long hair, beards, 

3)Pop=little mix=costume=young, pastel colours, all girls, lots of makeup, 20s, 


country, classical, rock, punk rock, pop, pop rock, country rock, dnb, heavy metal, 



Guns N' Roses and Metallica

2)loud, a lot of base 

3)romantic love, sex, rebellion against "The Establishment", social concerns, and life styles.



Michael Jackson and Bruno Mars

pop artists always look a bit different and funky, look happy, 

2)lots of vocals and background vocals, loud, fast beat, 

3)self love, feelings, self change, life experiences



Dolly Parton and Carrie underwood

usually wearing country clothes, 

2)acoustic guitar, soft, quiet, usually a strong accent, banjo's, harmonica's, slower beat than rock

3)trucks, the countryside, cows, cowboys, beer, boys, girls, exes, work, life, heartbreak and love



Target audience-16-25 years

NME- Metallica has their own radio station 

Kerrang features rock, punk and heavy metal like Metallica

Now that the war is through with meI'm waking up, I cannot seeThat there's not much left of meNothing is real but pain now
Hold my breath as I wish for deathOh please, God, wake me
Back in the womb it's much too realIn pumps life that I must feelBut can't look forward to revealLook to the time when I'll live
Fed through the tube that sticks in meJust like a wartime noveltyTied to machines that make me beCut this life off from me
Hold my breath as I wish for deathOh please, God, wake me
Now the world is gone, I'm just oneOh God, help meHold my breath as I wish for deathOh please, God, help me
Darkness imprisoning meAll that I seeAbsolute horrorI cannot liveI cannot dieTrapped in myselfBody my holding cell

Landmine has taken my sightTaken my speechTaken my hearingTaken my armsTaken my legsTaken my soulLeft me with life in hell

Monday 24th April 2023

27/3- Music magazine: Your page needs to be visible and T1: In your research try to add more information about the representations of artists and their dress, appearance, accents

Rock bands usually look quite scary and confrontational. They might wear ripped clothes, headbands etc. They might also have tattoos. A lot of rock bands are from like the 80s 90s etc so they might have like maybe long shaggy hairstyles, basically different hairstyles from what we might see today. Some wear leather jackets and some are shown on motorbikes and such which maybe ads to their confrontational look.

Female pop singers are usually seen wearing quite skimpy tight fitting clothes, often showing a lot of skin, this shows how female pop singers are usually sexualised.

Female country singers are usually presented wearing tight fitting jeans and maybe flannel belly tops or something showing that female country singers are also sexualised

                                                                                                                                                       Monday 22nd May 2023
Music Magazine Genres:

pop magazines usually feature a bright, vibrant colour palette and the main image usually features a popular pop artist. The puff is typically very vibrant and big it looks like its more aimed at a child or young teenager. Pop magazines seem to feature more women than men.  Pop is not very racially diverse in who they feature on their front cover.
Most wear makeup. 

Hip hop magazines feature a darker colour palette and often feature popular rappers and hip hop artists, its more than likely that the main image will feature a male rather than a female, this seems to be the case with most magazines of this genre. Not very racially diverse in who they feature on their front cover. mostly a themed colour palette for each magazine

Rock magazines usually feature again a darker colour palette, they feature a well known popular rock band or artist or lead singer. Not a very vibrant colours, mostly bland monotone colours. Mostly featuring men, wearing darker clothes, some wear darker makeup (e.g. dark eyeshadow ect)

Genre and target audience 
LO: To identify target audiences for a variety of music magazine genres and link to genre codes.

1) Audience:
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Taste (in this case taste in music/artists/genre)
  • ethnicity
  • occupation

2)Cover-how does the magazine appeal to their target audience:
  • colour palette
  • Artists they feature
  • Topics mentioned in the cover lines 
  • genre
  • font style

Focus on the factual data like age, gender, marital status and income

focus on the lifestyle, behaviours and attitudes.

The fact that they have a male featured on the front of their magazine appeal to their target audience because 59%of h=their audience are male not that a male main image should detter female audience.
The red colours that are added to the front cover, appeal to the target audience because it reflects that they 'want to live life LOUD!'  The monotone colours featured on the cover reflect how the audience feel about this particular music genre (they feel very seriously and strongly about their music), shows their depth of their feeling towards the music. The colours and the person featured as the main image, reflect the energy that the audience are said to have. 

This magazine looks quite high quality which appeals to their audience because most of their readers have good job and a high income so are happy to pay extra for a high quality magazine. The fact that a violin is featured on the front of the magazine appeals to their target audience because this is an orchestral instrument and they are looking for a classical music magazine. The serif font is used which gives us a formal vibe, classical music should give a formal vibe. The colour palette is soft and this reflects classical music. The woman featured is wearing quite formal clothes which match the colour palette. 

Monday 26th June 2023

Film regulator- BBFC 
TV and Radio regulator-OFCOM
Advertising regulator- ASA
Magazines and newspaper regulator-IPSO and IMPRESS
Video games regulator- Video standards council

Q2- Media language is used differently in Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus and Skaterboi by Avril Lavigne. Teenage Dirtbag uses a linear narrative telling the story of a loser in high school who has a crush on a popular girl. This video is set in an american highschool showing more of the actors of the film and draws less attention to the band (wheatus) themselves. This differs from the way that Skaterboi is more of a performance montage and draws a lot of attention to Avril Lavigne, it is set in a big city, more of a rundown part and shows off the personality of the singer herself and focuses more on her and the song itself than any sort of narrative. The camera follows Avril Lavigne in Skaterboi whereas the band in Teenage Dirtbag are only shown on a few occasions as the purpose of the music video was to tell a story/ follow the film it was part of. 

Media language- different settings (Mise en scene), makeup, props, costume
Camera- angles, shot types and movement, 
Editing-Fade, dissolves, fast paces, slow motion, added afterwards,
Sound-Diegetic or non diegetic, dialogue, sound effects, real sounds, what they can hear and what they cant. 
linear narratives-storytelling, 
performance montages- showing off the singer/band drawing attention to the song or performer(s)

Q3- Radio stations target different audiences because some are commercial radio station, these stations are less likely to have a target audience as the aim for a large audience and more people to listen to their radio, commercial radios are not funded so they make money from their audience. Public Service Broadcast radio stations however aim to fulfil a remit, they are funded by things like TV licence, they tend to focus on appealing to a smaller more niche audience. A good example of a PSB radio station is Radio 1 live lounge, they have a target audience of 15-29 year olds this target audience is part of the remit they have to follow in order to keep their funding, they appeal to this target audience by showing music that is more recent and appeals to this age group. They also have presenters that are a similar age to their target audience so that they feel more like they can relate to the presenters, it makes a more friendly environment for the audience. They also appeal to.

A film company would release a video game to increase their profits. They release a video game to strengthen their brand image.  

P-PERSONAL IDENTITY- The audience can relate/identify with the characters
S-SOCIAL INTERACTION- People can play with lego afterwards

The lego movie uses social interaction which is one of the uses and gratifications because it features sets of lego that you could physically buy in a shop after the film was released-merchandise. It was also an option to  watch this film in the cinema which could also class as social interaction because you are physically going out and buying a ticket to watch the film.

Tuesday 12th September 2023
Uses and Gratification:

Personal identity-Attracting people using their personal interests.

Social interaction- Talking to friends about the magazine searching interesting bits up, learning new facts and telling friends about them. 

Music Industry: Q1 and Q2

LO: To understand exam style questions and understand exam technique.

2)BBC            1
3)Radio thats goal is to benefit the public rather than to make money, it is funded by the TV licence.  1 and TV. 
4)con.......... Convergence
5)conglomerate Diversification
6)conglomerate    1

1) Radio 1 meet the requirements of public service broadcasting by following the remit, the remit states that they have to feature live music, this live music can be educational to young people and appeals to the target audience, being 15-29 year olds. In the live music the artists have to sing one of their own songs and a cover of a another song but in their own music style. An example of live music is when they feature Stormzy on the live lounge where him and his team of backing singers had very limited time to perfect his song but most importantly work on a cover. He then engaged in conversation with the presenter which engaged the listeners and educates the audience. 

2) In the music video 'Teenage Dirtbag' by Wheatus and 'skater boi' by Avril Lavigne, they use gender stereotypes differently to represent women. In 'Teenage dirtbag' The girls are represented as skinny, slim, pretty, vain, they are represented as very stereotypical girls, this contrasts the way that Avril Lavigne is represented in 'Skater boi' she goes against gender stereotypes presenting herself in a very contrasting way, in the music video, she is wearing dark, ripped clothes and jumps around, commits various crimes, and generally acts more like a punk, these are more typically stereotypes of males rather than females. 

Tuesday 19th September 2023
P-personal identity
S-Social interaction

uses and gratifications appeals too one or all of these things and they are what drives a audience to want to read a magazine/ interact with a piece of media. 

entertainment- it says it includes a CD this appeals to the audience by giving them something that entertains them, they can physically listen to a CD.
Lana Del Ray is a popular artist and it gives information about her, 
personal identity-Lana Del Ray is a famous female roll model, 
Information-exclusive interviews and reviews of music. 

LO: To understand exam style questions and practice exam technique

Music Industry:Q2:
Magazines attract their audience using uses and gratifications. For example, Mojo magazine add a free CD to their magazines, audiences wont be able to say no to some free entertainment, they get to listen to a free album. Mojo magazine also features exclusive interviews with famous artists, this is informational to the readers, this attracts the audience as it gives them insider knowledge of an artist that they didn't have before. 
3/4         exclusive-only mojo features this interview, the audience will be drawn to mojo, something they cant get anywhere else.

Music videos:Q2

Teenage dirtbag-
Narrative- Linear narrative
Setting- American school- Gym, corridors, school dance
Characters-School bully, jock, letterman jacket      loser, nerd        popular girl, pretty, objectified
Lighting- Not bright, oversaturated lighting, subdued 
Clothes- Normal, casual clothes, stereotypical

Skater boi-
Colours are different, sky is very bright, over exposed, over saturated colours, colours are exaggerated
Narrative- Performance narrative- to show off the artist
Setting- American, urban city, advanced buildings/skyscrapers, american police cars.
Character ethnicity- predominately white
Gender- mostly males surrounding one main female
Avril Lavigne challenges gender stereotypes- Rebellious, young men following her around, leader, attitude, gothic, 
Throwing an illegal party/concert in the street, standing on cars, grafitti, smashing guitars and cars. 

Media language:
Mise en scene
Camera shot and angles

Media language is used differently in the music video Sk8ter Boi by Avril Lavigne compared to Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus. They use Narrative differently, In Sk8ter Boi, they follow a performance narrative which is more commonly used to show off the artists personality or musical prowess, this contrasts the way that Teenage dirtbag follows a linear narrative, which is a narrative that actively follows the storyline, the music video shows the story, you rarely see the band sing whereas in Sk8ter Boi the camera is mainly focused on Avril Lavigne. 

3)Radio who's goal is to benefit the public
4) Convergence

Question 3:

The BBC radio has to provide a wider range of content than commercial radio because it is  PBS radio which means it has to meet a remit to get the funding from TV Licence whereas the main aims of commercial radio is to make money, they are funded by Adverts and they don't aim for specific audiences just a wide one. The remit states that they have to feature live music, it also states that they have to support newly emerging artists, they achieve both of these in their use of Radio 1 Live lounge where they feature artists like Stormzy, Raye, Holly Humberstone and more. They also have to appeal to a very niche target audience of 15-29 year olds. BBC Radio 1 also has younger presenter, this helps to appeal to the target audience because the audience feel more like they can relate to the presenter because they are closer in age, the presenter also have to take time on the radio to have educational chats about topics relevant to the target audience such as Mental health, Exam stress, Revision among other things, these are all struggles that the target audience feel like they can relate to, this appals to the target audience and it is educational this way it meets the remit and BBC Radio 1 can get their funding. The presenters also use slang such as 'big up' and 'proper good' that the young audience will be familiar with and will understand, this also creates a bond between the presenters and the audience. Another thing that BBC Radio 1 features, is interviews with the artists after they are featured on their live lounge, this gives the audience insider knowledge into the artists life. Radio 1 also features a wide range of contemporary mainstream music.

Tuesday 3rd October 2023

Media language- Mise en scene, editing, sound, camera shots, narrative, (print)
Industry- the company. Business. 
Audience-The people using your media source
Representation- How things are presented to the audience. 
Context- Background. Time. What is going on at the time. 

Explain how and why music videos created representations that are different from each other. Refer to one example of contrasting representations in two music videos you have studied to support your answer?

How are groups of people represented- 
The jocks are represented as popular, respected and confident, they seem to be almost in charge. The jocks are filmed in a slow motion long shot and the students move, there are 3. Mise en scene- costume, letterman jackets. 
The loser- Unusual hat and lots of layers of clothing. Props- He is holding books, geeky, he is sat on his own. Zoom out to emphasise that he is alone. The shot reverse shows people laughing at him. High shots show that he is lower than everyone else, hierarchy.
Popular girl- Camera shots of her face, she is filmed in slow motion to make her look desirable and emphasise her importance, her facial expression is always smiling and happy. 

Skater Boi-
Group of teens- Rebellious, illegal activity (spray painting), skating inside of some sort of abandoned building, riding bikes down the stairs and through sops ect. Breaking rules and laws, Smashing cars etc.  
Avril Lavigne- Leader, rebellious, female surrounded by males, leader of the males, she is respected by peers. Low angle shots, the camera focuses on her, focus on the grafitti, editing is fast pace, emphasising the reckless nature. She is not sexualised in any way, she is in control, strong female leader regardless of gender. 

Representations are created differently in the music videos Teenage Dirtbag and Skater Boi. They are represented differently through their use of gender stereotype, in Teenage dirtbag, the main female is presented as a stereotypical popular girl, she wears light makeup, she she is viewed as desirable and she is seen as an object, like a trophy for the boys. This contrasts the way that in Skater Boi, Avril Lavigne challenges gender stereotypes by wearing dark clothes, dark makeup and she is a strong female leader who is respected by the males regardless of gender, she is not sexualised in any way. We are also shown contrasting narratives in each music video, In Teenage Dirtbag, we are shown a Linear narrative which tells a story rather than focusing on any particular person, this shows that the characters had little importance whereas in Skater Boi, we are shown a performance narrative where the camera is almost solely focused on her, this highlights her importance as the lead protagonists, it shows her strength as a strong female leader. The loser in Teenage Dirtbag is filmed mostly with high angle shots and on his own, this shows that he is lower than everyone else this contrasts the way that youths are presented in Skater Boi. In Skater Boi, they are presented as reckless and rebellious, almost un-tameable whereas, Teenage Dirtbag is filmed in a school which is a more calm environment with less energy and a slower pace. 

Tuesday 10th October 2023
 1)What is mise en scene- Costume, makeup, setting, facial expression, props, Mise-en-scène is the stage design and arrangement of actors in scenes for a theatre or film production, both in the visual arts through storyboarding, visual theme, and cinematography and in narrative storytelling through direction.
2)What is editing- cuts, filters, special effects etc, photoshop, transitions, pace, reverse shot, slow motion. 
3)What is camera work- Camera angles and shot types, the way something is filmed, movement. the way in which cameras are used in a film or television programme.
4)What is sound-The diegetic and non-diegetic sounds that the audience hear watching the movie. Dialogue, ambient sound, no sound is natural, Diegetic-Sounds that the movie characters can hear. Non-Diegetic-Sounds that only the audience can hear. 
5)What is narrative-Narrative is the storyline, the story behind the piece of media. Linear and non linear, performance. 

LO:To explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q4 focusing on media language and representations. 

Q4: Analyse the representation of musicians in the extract from Mojo Magazine
Representation of musicians. 
How are they shown or presented

They use media language to represent rock musicians as mysterious, moody, classic and well-known. The use a black and white colour palette to give this mysterious yet old and classic look, they also use a medium close up to show the facial expressions of the artist as the main image, the man is looking upwards with a serious but also sad and depressed look, this gives us the impression that rock artists, especially the one featured on the front cover, are moody and have a sort of low and upsetting attitude. The fact that the artist is represented as old and classic suggests that they are well known, the connotations of classic are well-known and popular. They don't use a low shot or a high angle shot to make the musician seem higher or lower than anyone else, popularity wise, this makes us think that they are almost normal, like any normal person. In conclusion, They use media language to represent the musicians as moody, classic and mysterious. 

How was age represented. 

On the front cover, age is represented as short, serious and confrontational. They use media language to achieve this through their use of a dark colour palette, this suggests seriousness, kind of boring, monotone colours suggest sadness, the main image is a mid shot of an older man , maybe in his 50s, this shot shows his formal clothes, again in darker colours as well as his wrinkles, showing his age and his serious facial expression. The man on the main image,  is looking dead into the camera, this direct address give us the idea that age is confrontational and direct, again emphasising seriousness. The lexis uses words such as 'grievers' and 'murder' both link to death, maybe telling us that older people are scared of death, the older you get, the closer you are to death, the idea that life is short. The red in the colour palette also has links to death, strengthening this theme of death and loss. The fact that it suggests that life is confrontational might be telling us that it comes quickly, you have to grow up and become more serious. 

Tuesday 31st October
Shot type-the camera shot that is used
typeface-describing the type of text that is used
Colour palette-The colours used throughout
Lexis-The words used in the cover lines
Masthead-The name of the magazine

LO:To explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5 focus on media language and representation. 

15 marks it needs a conclusion which accounts for 5 of the marks. 10 marks for language analysis. 

context-what is going on in the world at the time
gender roles, attitudes towards sexuality, multiculturalism, celebrity culture, consumerism 

1)the layout is cluttered
2)the choice of using a cluttered layout suggests busyness, mess, it suggests that theres a lot going on, theres too much happening, leads us to think that theres a lot going on inside of the magazine for the audience to get stuck into
3)the colour palette is saturated, 
4)the colour palette suggest that there is a lot of life in the magazine, it suggests a sort of fast pace, suggests happiness, connotations of a party maybe, fun, suggests to the audience that it will be a happy, fun filled magazine. 

1)The layout of the magazine is ordered
2)The ordered layout suggests formality, it suggests to the audience that it is a formal magazine, high status, wealth etc. suggests to the audience that it is a very informative magazine. Serif font is used in the cover lines reinforces the idea of formality, it also adds the idea of the magazine being traditional as serif is a traditional font. 
3)The colour palette is muted.
4)This gives the audience the idea that it has a lot of information, filled, I think that this helps them aim the magazine at an older audience, This promotes the magazine to an older audience and to an audience that prefer classical music. The muted colours match the classical music genre. Whites and greys and beige are a muted colour palette which reinforce the formal and traditional theme. People see the magazine as serious and sophisticated. 

1)The text is mainly Sans-Serif font.
2)This suggests that the magazine and the artist that it features are new, bold and modern, this is reinforced by their choice to write in Block capitals. Bold nature of the magazine. Features, modern, up to date music for the audience.
3)The colour palette is muted.
4)This reflects a sense of realism because in real life colours are usually more of a muted tone rather than a bright, saturated way, connotes normality. The muted colour also connotes this idea that the magazine and the artist are more modern. They do, also use a saturated colour palette when they use the bright red colour in certain areas. The muted colours suggest that the artist is a natural, everyday guy. 
3)The Font of the main cover line is.

Use a muted colour palette and it has an ordered layout, 

Tuesday 7th November 2023 
'Baby Boomer' generation-The generation of people born in the years following WWII when there was a temporary marked increase in birth rate
Diversification-The process of varying products
Audience address- How the text speaks to the audience,how it involves and influences them.
Discerning-Having or showing good judgement
House style-A companies preferred manner of presentation and layout.

15 marks=15 mins

How far-opinions and why, giving one side or both in a comparison. 

Life at the time 
changes in gender roles- More equality, equal rights for men and women.
Attitudes to sexuality-improved attitudes and celebrate LGBTQ
Celebrity culture- People idolise and follow celebrities, interested in other peoples life.
Consumerism- People buy things that they don't need but they buy for comfort. 

LO: To explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation.

Masthead-White, sans-serif font has a shadow, bold, upper case.
Cover lines-Bright,boldcolour palettes,pinks,purples, white,black,magnents.
Puff-Magenta, white, black
Lexis surrounds the main image

The way that the cover line regarding David Bowie is Big, bold and in a bright, pinker colour, bright colour palette represents that David Bowie as an artist is in himself, a bright, bold, loud artist, he is a pop artist, the bright colour palette also shows how the audience are open to different music, they like music regardless of what society feels about that genre or the artist.The pink and white colour palette is quite feminine and could attract a predominantly female audience rather than male. David Bowie was a celebrity singer/song-writer in the 20th century, however David Bowie had quite progressive ideas about gender stereotypes. The bright, saturated colour palette also reflects how the magazine is supposed to be fun loving, exciting, ect. This also reflects David Bowies fun loving nature and how he was very open about challenging gender stereotypes, he had a bright character. 

The colour palette in the first magazine differs from that in the second. The second magazine has a more muted colour palette with some lighting, the bottom half of the image is shadowed. The muted colour palette shows how Eugene S Robinson is a more natural, more boring, realistic, sophisticated and formal showing his more calm, natural personality rather than with David Bowies bright colour palette showing his bright, loud personality. The colour palettes reflect how David Bowie liked living a bright loud lifestyle, whereas, Eugene S Robinson preferred his calm,everyday life. The colour palettes reflect the people featured in the main image. 

Media Lego movie promotional methods 


Film posters 

That massive lego advert- Lego took over an entire stretch of adverts on ITV, they made many adverts made up of lego including the British heart foundation, BT ect. This created hype for lego and then they played the lego movie advert afterwards, they also had a character featured in between every advert.  

Trailers-Gave the audience an insight into what the film would be like, in adverts ect. On tv so many people can see.  

tweets ect 

Interviews with the cast 


Social media 


Meet cables 

Sponsorship deals 

Lego world sets- Promotion to young kids, theywould want their parents to buy them the sets and then want them to take them to watch the movie.  

The lego movie video game- Kids would play the video game and therefore be more interested in the film and the characters that are in the game. This appeals to older kids and teenagers who are more likely to be playing video games, before the video game, these older kids may not have been interested in the film.  

Collectable mini figures 

Key chains 

School supplies 

stickers and activities 

Lego cards with Sainsburies 

McDonalds happy meals- Almost every kid has had a Mc Donalds happy meal in their life and having toys linked to the film inside of a happy meal promote the movie to both the kids eating the meal and the parents buying it. This appeals to younger kids, the kids will want to see the movie, they will ask their parents about it.  

Theme parks 

premier for it- The cast and many other big celebrities got to watch the film before it was released, thos created hype over the film and meant that they had celebrities tweeting about their film ect. This appeals to an older audience/ parents/ adults.  

branded clothing- 

Every week in 2014 they released a new character poster- Introducing their character to the audience before the film is released, this means that the audience is already interested and invested in the character and will want to see the movie.  

The lego stores around the country had events 

Free accessory packs in store after events  

Website that allowed fans to make lego versions of themselves- They might feel move involved in the movie, therefore more likely to want to see it.  

Tuesday 21st November 2023

genre codes- Things that are clues to the genre e.g.colour palette,costume ect.

Intertextuality- References to another piece of media e.g. batman in the lego movie.

Typography- Type of letters,font,size.

Lexis- Text/words

connotation- Background meanings

Less sexism, more gender equality, multiculturalism, more accepting of LQBTQ, promoting consumerism, technological focus, celebrity culture,


  1. 5/9/23- Please complete the work that you missed this lesson, see my blog for help.


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