lego Movie

                                                                                                                                          8th September 2022

LO: To understand the narrative and characters int the movie


wild style



green lantern


star wars- Chewbacca ect.

western world

pirate world

cloud coocoo land place

wonder woman

lloyd from ninjago


bricks burg

lego city

                                                                                                                     Thursday 15th September 2022

Industry research 

LO: To research the process, companies and regulators behind the industry. 

1)Production is the actual filming of the video. The video production company you're working with bring their crew, equipment, talent (actors) and all necessary props out to the location and capture all the footage necessary.

Film distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience.

Film exhibition refers to public screening of a film and involves the ownership, management, and running of movie theaters.

2)A media conglomerate, media group, or media institution is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as music, television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.

3)The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). The BBFC is responsible for classifying films that have a cinema and DVD release.

4) the lego movie is rated a U. 

5)The video standards council regulates video games in the UK.


7)Lin Pictures and Warner Brothers


9)TT Fusion

10)Warner Brothers 

11) The Advertising Standards Authority 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Thursday 22nd September 2022

LEGO Movie industry research

LO:to research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry


Regulators are usually that either give something an age rating or check that it meets certain acceptable standards

4)Some film makers might worry about the classification they receive because it might not fit their focus audience and less people will be able to watch their film.

5)The Warner Bros were keen to get a U rating on their film because it fit their focus audience and so that lots of people can watch their film, wider range of viewers.

Narrative theory 

LO: to explore the narrative&apply narrative theory to The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie fits into the Postmodern category because it challenges the typical character roles e.g the main character is portrayed as a loner and not a superhero in this film not egocentric batman is a superhero in a different film but not this one ect.
mixture of genres romance action adventure fantasy
It also makes the audience aware that they are watching a movie e.g mythical realms and mythical characters ect. 
Imitates the matrix-Pastiche

Equilibrium- Emmet is a builder the town is all normal they all built from the instruction manuals

Disruption- Lord business wants to craggle the world and keep everything in its place.

Recognition of Disruption-Wild style finds Emmet and takes him through all the worlds after he finds the piece de resistence, they realise Lord businesses plans. Wild Style tells Emmet about this plan.

Attempt to solve disruption- They get like an army of master builders to storm the place where Lord business keeps the craggle Emmet helps the dad and the son come to an agreement over the lego when everyone thinks he is dead.

New equilibrium- Everyone realises that they can build things without instructions and just to believe in themselfs they live in a more creative world.

                                                                                                                     Thursday 29th September 2022

The Hero-Emmet
The Villain-President Business
The Donor-Vetruvius
The Helper-Wild Style
The Princess-Wildstyle
The Princesses father-vitruvius
The Dispatcher-Vetruvius
The False hero-Batman

Vertical integration
where a company owns the production companies, distributing companies and cinema/streaming companies thy use to make their film so they get all their profits and dont have to pay separate companies to do it for them.

Two Benefits of Vertical integration are, it helps increase profits because if they own the production and distribution companies they dont have to pay separate companies to do it for them and they get to keep all of their profits. Also it makes the production process more efficient because you dont have to spend more time paying and making deals with other companies when you own a company to do it yourself.

                                                                                                                           Thursday 6th October 2022
Target Audience
LO:To identify the target audience using demographics and psychographics 
Targets a family Audience

young kids who play with lego-Lego and duplo, characters, animated, creativity theme, humor, bright colours, 

parents who played with lego when they were young- Hidden adult humor, good actors voicing the characters, Different older film characters

Young adult cinema-goers- Different film characters, romance, 

Little kids would watch the lego movie because of the lego that they are probably familiar with playing with, The theme of creativity, the bright colour and the children's humor.

Parents would watch the lego movie because their children want to watch it but also, the characters are voice by some well known actors and the film shows hidden adult humor.

Young adults/teens would watch the lego movie because they would go with like their little siblings e.g babysitting ect, and because it has film characters from other films and it has romance and some of the characters are voiced by well known actors.

1)Content marketing, Advertisement Great for kids and adults
2)The company brought in Phil Lord and Christopher Miller to create a generally funny and clever movie. Good directors, They also included themes that appeal to kids and adults.
3)Kids go to the cinema because they think the film is good but they then go and play with lego, promoting their other products.

1)Gives lots of emotion, appeals to peoples emotions and makes people feel.
2)the messages and the themes in the movie are relatable to everybody, 

1)a big-budget movie whose earnings are expected to compensate the studio for its less profitable movies.
2) Because Warner Bro's own lots of different companies who make lots of different films and such so if one fails then they wont get much or any profit from it so if they make a really successful film then it makes up for the fact that they made a really rubbish one.
3) it supports other parts of the company so that you don't have parts failing financially, Allows Warner brothers to make those less profitable films.    

The lego movie marketing                                                                              Thursday 13th October 2022
LO: To explore marketing and promotion of the lego movie; to link the methods and the target audience

Film posters
tweets ect
Interviews with the cast
Social media
Meet cables
Sponsorship deals

Lego world sets
The lego movie video game
Collectable mini figures
Key chains
School supplies
stickers and activities

Lego cards with Sainsburies
McDonalds happy meals
Theme parks
premier for it
branded clothing
Every week in 2014 they released a new character poster
The lego stores around the country had events
Free accessory packs in store after events 
The video game was made before the movie
Website that allowed fans to make lego versions of themselves

If Warner Bros owns different companies such as games companies it means that they dont have to pay a different company to make their product because they own it, this means that they can make lots of different products to promote their movie because they are keeping all of the profits form owning the other companies.

TV Trailers usually show the most action packed part of the movie or a funny part and they show the main characters.

Youtube, ITV, Peak time

British heart foundation
Premier inn

They made a whole add break made completely out of Lego to promote the lego movie and they didn't have to pay. They made adverts for companies like The heart foundation,, BT, and Premier inn. They had this add break aired live on ITV on a Sunday and over 6 million people watched it. They put the add break on you tube and you tube is free to use so then over 2 million people then searched the add break up online to re-watch and share it. This add break was featured in most newspapers and it went viral. Everyone knew about the lego movie and they didn't have to pay to have their add break aired because the other companies wanted the collaboration with lego so they paid for it themselves.    

Analysis recap  The lego movie-poster campaign                                                      17th November 2022
LO: To analyse the representation on the poster campaign

Denotations:Batman the dark knight

Connotations:fire-disaster death, danger, action, dark costume-villain, danger, dark clouds-storm or natural disaster, colour palate-danger, colour palate-action adventure, debris and smoke-destruction or chaos, the title-antihero, knight-hero, dark knight-darker side or antihero, Batman is the only person on the cover-darker side, low angle shot makes him look larger and intimidating, hidden face in mask- mysterious intimidating, spotlight around him, half in brightness half in dark, half villain, half evil, fire in the shape of a bat, maybe batman cause the fire and played a part in the danger and destruction, The tagline-criminals, lawlessness, batman destruction, 

Audience Context: DC character, Batman is actually a hero. 
Denotations:Lego movie video game 

Connotations:Lego, action-police and robots, magic, wizardry- vetruvius and his glowing staff, president business is a giant in the picture, drones and robots make it seem very futuristic.

Audience Context:lego, most people will know the toys 
Emmet and Wildstyle on the front- they are the main characters and the fact that there is a girl and a boy will appeal to both males and females. 
Emmet is holding a spanner- gives us the idea that the game has a creative aspect, building things, fixing things, problem solving,  (Has connotations of creativity, building and problem solving)
Lego batman is in the background looking very heroic on top of a building-Most kids will know the character batman and this will draw them to want to play the game because of familiar characters. (Lego Batman connotes action/an action movie)
Western characters in the background stood next to the robots- western people and robots together doesn't seem normal makes people want to investigate this a bit more, western people in a city scene also doesn't fit right.
Vetruvious and his glowing staff-Makes us think that there is some sort if magical aspect. (Vetruvious and his staff connote some sort of magic)
The magic element and the robots and the creative aspect and the fact that Wildstyle looks rebellious and the police chase might appeal to like 7-12 year olds the target age group is 7+. Bright colour palate, mostly blue but there is also some dark colours mainly around President business showing that he is the villain.
President business is dressed in all red giving us like a covered in blood like he has killed people (His clothes/style have connotations of death&killing, danger) (he didn't exactly kill people in the film but he did try to kraggle glue them to the floor) makes him seem dangerous, makes us think that he is he one you have to kill or defeat in the game. 

                                                                                                                     Thursday 24th November 2022

  • Emmets facial expression-Comical element, appealing to parents
  • Lego batman and other superhero's (Wonderwomen, green lantern, Superman, lego Ninjago character)- Appeal to really all of the target audience as they are well known characters but mostly appeal to the children and teenagers.
  • Wildstyle- rebellious style probably popular with teens at the time 
  • The re-arranged pirate ship guy- he only has a head, he has some sharks hanging off of his body which is a rearranged pirate ship, might seem funny or strange to young children, children are very investigative so they might want to see what all that's on about
  • The theme of lego in general will appeal to definitely teenagers and adults because most people had lego as kids, also might appeal to younger children even though lego isn't as popular nowadays as it was when we were all young and when our parents were all young.
  • Lord business as a character looks very strange since he is like a million feet tall and flames are shooting out of his head and the fact that he's looking down no the more appealing well known characters. Even the superhero's are running away from this guy so he must be something special, might appeal to the younger children.

(P) In the lego movie poster, they use an image of the character lego batman in the foreground, this character is a well known by most people and will appeal to both the younger part of the target audience (children) and the teenagers, this character alone will draw two groups of the target audience to watch the film. (Lego batman connotes action/thrill, excitement) Young kids seem to like action movies lego batman appeals to the younger target audience and people in the target audience who like DC, action movies and Batman. (P) They also use the character wildstyle in the foreground, this character will appeal to the teenagers because of her rebellious style, which at the time was probably a very popular style among teens. (This would appeal to members of the target audience who....) (P) Emmet's facial expression seems very scared compared to the other characters who are looking ver focused and determined, this will give it a comical kind of element that might appeal to the older part of the target audience (parents). (Parents might not want to watch the movie or are possible reluctant to watch the movie with their children because they don't want to get bored so the fact that it might  be funny could mean that some parents are less reluctat to watch the movie) The fact that one of the characters is a re-arranged pirate ship with just a head and some sharks hanging off of him might seem funny to younger children, making them want to watch the film. The lego theme in general will appeal to the teenagers and the parents because most people played with lego as kids and some teenagers and adult still play with lego and collect sets, lego is a well known toy/brand internationally. 

Thursday 1st December 2022

INITIAL RESERACH: excellent notes THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood VIDEO GAME Q: absent GAME COVER ANALYSIS: WWW: you identified three different elements and explained their appeal EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent! WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal EBI: add another - why would the tagline appeal to parents?

  1. Accurate punctuation, spelling &grammar
  2. Explain why certain areas of media language appeal to the TA
  3. Use the PEEL chain to structure your analysis
  4. Use connotations to explain the appeal

1)Capital letters
2)corrections in pink
3)Explain why things are as they are

P-Point-Identify the media used, specific props are used o convey ideas an=bout the narrative
E-Evidence-Describe the element in detail, in the foreground emmet is holding a large blue spanner


The Lego movie representation
LO: To analyse the representations The Lego Movie campaign

''                                                                                                                      Thursday 8th December 2022

1) Popular boy-Masculine, sporty, got all the girls, group leader sort of thing
2)Kid with Downsyndrome in a wheelchair so disabled, not very popular, bullied
3)Nerd, not really important to anyone in particular kind of invisible, hardly any friends, gay
4)outcast, not really important to anyone, bullied a bit, mostly invisible, no friends
5)Very stereotypical teenage girl-Pretty, wears nice clothes, dancer, got all the guys, group leader sort of thing

1)Wildstyle has colour in her hair, a nice smile, freckles, makeup, nice eyebrows and eyelashes, long hair etc, this support the stereotypes of her gender
Wildstyle also has black gloves on and is wearing all black clothes, black tracksuit sort of thing with colours on it making it look like grafiti, she looks a bit emo, she also is a master builder and boys are better known for being good at construction and building these elements challenge the stereotypes of her gender.
These elements help bring a wider audience because more teenage girls who challenge stereotypes in real life can relate to her a little bit, such as girls who wore tracksuits ect at the time and girls who grew up playing with cars and stuff because wildstyle isn't a typical girl and she is a character that a lot of people can relate to. Wildstyle indirectly was nearly the hero in a few aspects she taught emmet a lot about the mission etc and she did a lot of the work in saving the word, this in a way makes girls in real life believe that they can challenge stereotypes too and they can be what they want, they can be better at building and such like boys, they don't have to be girly girls. 

2) How she's represented in the film trailer- she's fighting, she's saving emmet, she's standing in front of emmet while he's scares, she;s riding the motorbike she made herself
How she's represented in the game trailer thing- She's building and riding her own bike, encouraging emmet to ride the bike, she's driving the boat thing, she's tempting emmet being beautiful and romantic like a stereotypical girl, less of wildstyle in the game trailer because the video game is more aimed at boys and less at girls

Most of the characters are young and are the hero's doing most of the work running around saving everyone, there is vetruvious who is old we can see this in his wrinkles and his white hair, he is a wise old man who helps guide the hero's to victory saving the world, teaching them, The villain is like middle aged, he has some wrinkles but not as many as vetruvious and he has dark healthy hair, Other than that, most of the characters, including most of the main characters are young. A bit of a range in age. Also in the film they only kill vetruvious off and he is old im pretty sure that meant something but i had the idea and then forgot the meaning behind it. Mostly young male characters. 

The LEGO Movie:Put it all together                                                                 Thursday 5th January 2023
LO: To explore exam style questions and how to answer them effectively.

Who are the regulators for the following types of media in the UK:
Film- British Board of film classification (BBFC)
TV&Radio- Ofcom
Advertising- The advertising standards authority (ASA)
Magazines&Newspaper- IPSO
Video games- The games rating authority (GRA)


Tuesday 5th December 2023
Film Regulator- BBFC
TV and Radio regulator- OFCOM
Advertising regulator-ASA
Magazines and newspapers-IPSO or IMPRESS
Video games- Video standards council

LEGO Movie Audience-Family:
Young kids who play with lego
Parents who played with lego (they have to take their kids)
Young cinema goers (15-25)

Uses and gratification:
P- Personal identity (how does the audience relate to the character, it gives a range of different characters and a lot  of the characters challenge stereotypes.)
I- Information (Learning new things about lego, e.g. new characters and new worlds,)
E- Entertainment (It is an action movie and there are a lot of twists in the story line and Emmets attempt at humour makes the film entertaining)
S-Social (They have the video game where people can work together to complete levels, play with friends ect. The collectors cards could also have been a good way to bring kids together and promote their product because kids will trade their cards to complete their set.

Film poster:

The lego movie has elements of lots of different genres,we can see that the movie is an action movie from the explosion that is occurring on the poster as well as the fact that it is set in the city which is stereotypical for an action movie.The shocked and scared expression on Emmets face as the main character gives us the idea that it is also a comedy movie. We can also see a genre of romance from the little love triangle of batman, wild-style and emmet.Also the sci-fi element is shown by the floating police helicopters.

Iconography-Police helicopters sci-fi element

Intertextuality- Batman and other superheros. 

Character posters:

Lord business and Vetruvious- They're old,they have wrinkles,serious facial expression and and they're shouting, they will appeal to the adults (P)
Wyldstyle- Feminine- Pretty face, makeup, colourful hair
Breaks the stereotypes with her more masculine black tracksuit and her serious facial expression and her passion for action, she can fight which is not stereotypically feminine.
Emmet-He is male, the fact that he is a manual, building worker is quite stereotypical for males however, he breaks the stereotypes with his scared expression compared to the others who dont seem as fazed. 

Video game trailer- 3 kids sat together on the sofa (social, you can play together with people)
Creativity, building,
action-explosion and then the train derails
Over 90 characters (I)
The game features loads of different worlds, settings and locations, adventure
It shows you at east 15characters in the trailer
the kids are of different genders which shows that the game is for everyone 
There are a mix of female and male characters featured
The kids are shocked with how amazing the game is and the kids look frazzled after playing it. 
Features emmet saying something comedic at the end because they want the comedy featured in the game and emmet is the main character of the film. 
Batman, green lantern ect. intertextuality. 

Camerawork, sound, 

The lego movie name and the main character is shown straightaway then batman (intertextuality) then vetruvious then antagonist-lord business
British heart foundation, premiere inn, BT,, then the actualtrailer

British heart foundation
Premiere inn
Lego movie trailer advert. 


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