Lights! Camera! Action!

Lights! Camera! Action!                                                                                     Monday 8th November 2021

LO:To explore camerawork in films.




4)Some Marvel film

5)Star wars 

This is a close up

This is a Long shot

I think this one is a birds eye view

I think this one is an establishing shot

This is a low angle shot

This is a mid shot

This is a medium close up

Over the shoulder shot

This feels more like a close up

This is kind of a canted angle (Dutch angle)(but not really clearly)

1)A pedestal is the movement of the camera upwards and downwards in relation to a subject. It's different from tilting in that the entire camera ascends or descends, rather than just the angle of the camera.

2)The two most basic forms of camera movement are panning and tilting; both involve the rotation of the camera while it is attached to a fixed stand.

4) A dolly shot is when the entire camera is mounted on a track and is moved towards or away from a subject. Unlike a zoom shot, the world around the subject moves with the camera.

5) A shot of one eye on a person's face is called an extreme close up.

6) A shot showing all of a person's body is called a long shot.

7) A shot from the waist to the top of the head  is called a mid shot.

8) The shot of the a building or setting is called an establishing shot.

9) A shot from a window of an aeroplane is called a birds eye view.

10) A shot looking up at someone/something is called a low angle shot.

Setting and colour                                                                                        Monday 22nd November 2021
LO:To explore the use of setting and colour in films.

  • An isolated house in a rural setting for a horror film
You might use an isolated or abandoned house in a horror film because it could be really creepy and you don't know what could be in there so it adds suspence and it is in the middle of nowhere so there is no one around you.
  • A big city in an action film
You might use a big city in an action film because it is a busy place and the best place for a hero or some commotion because something is always happening because it's so busy.
  • Small seaside town for a romantic comedy
The seaside is a very romantic place really anywhere unless it is a rainy day in cornwall and if it is a small village it might be very quaint and everybody will know everybody and everybody is kind.

  • Blue or red for a new super hero costume
You might use blue or red for a superhero costume because they are bright colours and they will help make sure that the superhero is noticed and so that they stand out from everybody else.
  • Black suit for a villain
You might use a black suit for a villain because it makes them look in charge so to speak and the dark black colour makes them seem bad and somewhat mysterious.
  • Bright colours for a comedy movie
You might use bright colour for a comedy movie because it kind of helps to exaggerate how funny a person is and it show how different a persons personality is compared to everyone else. Funny people will light up a scene/setting and so will their clothes.

war zones and arenas, lots of blue and red and blacks and yellows
  • The action takes place in like cities, war zones, arenas, snowy mountains that kind of thing
  • The story is set in these places to show that it is very chaotic and that they are basically putting their lives on the line and there is like a museumy type place and that kind of shows that they have this kind of double life.
  • f
  • If it is a serious fighting setting, the characters will be serious and they will be fighting and they  wont necessarily be happy or anything but if it is like a bedroom or a lounge, sitting room area, they might be chatting and having a laugh or something
  • You could tell WHERE the story was taking place because it would show the camera zooming out or it would show an establishing shot or a birds eye view
  • Sometimes you can tell WHEN the story is taking place based on the clothes and the way people are talking and he setting because nowadays we have these like modern houses but in an old Western scene, they might have old wooden saloons where as now you might see this fully furnished modern pub.
  • Look at the last question
  • Certain colours are used to show personalities or to help differentiate between different characters.

I am legend
Narrative- Maybe like he has a mission and he has to go and do it e.g maybe going to Egypt to go and get and old artefact (Or something else thats really important) but he has a gun because he has to beat someone else to it and some drama goes on.
Character-Poor guy, good guy or victim

28 Days later 
Genre-Maybe a science fiction/action/horror
Narrative-Maybe something to do with a toxic explosion or something because there is a toxic symbol in the title.

For the science fiction film described on the powerpoint, you might use blues, greens, black silver and whites. Black and green to show that there is a deadly virus, these colours suggest something dark and creepy is going to happen and the blues, silvers and whites because of the fact that it is set 1000 years in the future. Also, they might have loads of frantic people (this suggests that it is really chaotic in the science lab and it shows the severity of the situation) You could have lots of high tech computers and stuff because it is in the future and they would have better computers and technology than we do. You might have loads of science labs and hospitals jam packed with ill people with like people sat agains walls in corridors of hospitals because there is no  room. You might also have people hiding out at the start of the film because they don't want to be tested and people hiding out all throughout the film because they don't want to catch it so they just kind of hide out. You might have poorly lit, abandoned wooden cabins in the woods as the hideouts.

Monday 6th December 2021


LO: To explore different styles of photography.

Bricks- Pattern
Grass- Ground level
head cut off- Horseman
People- The reflection
Me as giant holding Delilah -Giants and monsters
Ground level

Giants and monsters
This one went a little bit wrong. 
looking down

We didn't get all the ones we wanted this lesson.

Monday 17th January

Sound in film 

LO:To explore the use of sound in film

Horror-Slow and deep to add suspense, strange noises that break an eerie silence.
Action-Gun shots, super hero guys flying through the air, people shouting at each other.
Thriller-Someone screaming, Sharp music (example in psycho)
Comedy-Bubbly music, Happy

Diegetic-Sounds that the characters can hear- Other characters talking footsteps, music on a radio in the film.

Non-Diegetic-Sound that the characters cannot hear, Soundtrack, Narration, internal dialogue like speaking to yourself and making a decision etc. 

Music and drums-Non-Diegetic
Dialogue and gunshots-Diegetic

Foley-Noises that are added after the film is made, In a different studio. Foley helps to create a sense of reality in a film. Sometimes the foley actors have to become quite creative with their work.

The gun shots, controller clicking, door opening and closes, blinds, phone ringing, walking up the stairs, opening a box, throwing the dog on the floor, hitting the box away, the dog rolling around on the floor, ball going in the box, the dog hitting into things when inside the box, dog playing with the ball, crutches tapping the floor, character dialogue, Box hitting the table.

1)Yes there is music in the scene but it is all non-diegetic.
2)Interested like I didn't know what was going on and I wanted to find out more.
3)It changes when something more dramatic happens
4)The setting changes or something more dramatic stats happening
5)Well you can tell when something more dramatic happens because of the change in music, I mean from the music and dialogue, a blind person would probably be able to tell what is happening but in my opinion, it is also important to have the film and pictures etc. 
6)Yeah there is a moment of silence when the character is confused and the setting has changed.
7)When the characters speak, their voices are more deep and serious not like in a comedy movie where their voices would be more high pitched and bubbly.
8)I don't know if i did any voiceover for that film maybe it would be someone shouting/screaming type thing when they are going through that portal like thing.
9)The buzzing kind of sounds of the dark futuristic like hovering cars.
10)Smashing through the window, I think that maybe the volume of that sound was a little bit exaggerated for that scene. maybe they are showing how hard and violently they were pushed through the window, there are probably lots of reasons but I don't really know any of them.

I would maybe have siren sound in the background to show that the alien has got out.

Monday 31st January
LO:To explore the use of Mise-en-scene in films
I don't think the rest of it saved went I went off. Sorry. I will try to redo it whilst doing the rest.

Settings and Props

Costume, Hair and Makeup
Instant indication of a person's personality.
tells us what time the film is set in, society/culture

1)Country, safari, hot weather, looks like he is from an adventure movie, doesn't care about how he looks.
2)Rude, obnoxious, popular, gets everything she want's, mean, Drama queen.
3)Set in the past, poor, mentally broken.

Facial expressions and body language
Facial expressions are a key indicator of how someone is feeling.
Can show a person's relationship with another person.

1)Family dinner. The parents are arguing at the dinner table and the child isn't too happy with it, sad. Richer and taking what they have for granted. Daughter fed up. 
2]Boxing/fighting Drugs. Poorer living on a bad neighbourhood. Hate rich people. They are just about to beat someone up. Shirtless, scratch, Ganging up. 

Lighting and colour
Choose to highlight certain colours, saturate and desaturate things.
Highlight a certain character or object to show important.
Show a character's mental state.
There are two main types of lighting
Low key lighting-Not much light, sharp contrast between light and dark lighting, mostly dark lighting
High key lighting-Product is brightly lit. Sunny day etc. 

The scene has low key lighting, they are in a dark, mysterious place and they are doing something mischievous, they are listening to someone on the phone. Could suggest tension. 

Positioning of people and objects (blocking)
Can really draw our attention to a certain person.

1)having an argument. They are placed apart because they are not thinking together not as one. They don't like each other. They are using defensive arm placement and they do not look happy.
2)Working together, they make a good team. Close together. Serious. Mirroring each other, close relationship.

Monday 14th February 2022

LO:To experiment with foley and sound effect.

The photo was set in a mansion or maybe a castle, generally a very posh place. There is a lot of very nice food on the table, the guards have muskets and there are candles in the background, the candles and muskets suggest that the photo is set more back in time. The guards are wearing quite smart, matching uniforms where as the middle character is wearing scruffy clothes and has dreadlocks and makeup, this suggests that the middle character dose't belong in this posh house and the guards are maybe used to going to this posh place and fit in a bit better, the clothes and looks also suggest that the middle character is lower in a sort of hierarchy than the guards. All three characters have quite serious facial expressions and it looks as if maybe the guards are holding the middle character still as to not let him get away. The room they are in is pretty well lit and bright. Te light is mostly focused in the middle of the photo.

For this setting, I would choose to have scientists in cyan, lime green shirts and white lab coats with goggles and their hair tied up. The blood would be black and the alien would be bright green and scaley, the scaley skin would be very thick. The space ship will be like the doctor who Tardis, bigger on the inside than it looks and it will have white and a murky green and blue colours, the colours will be a bit more faded and somewhat dirty. The spaceship would be round like a UFO type with big windows and an automatic, glowing door. There would be all these cool futuristic like computers and monitors etc. Robotic arms and machinery. Serious body language and facial expressions, brightly lit setting.

Video clip:

Teeth brushing 
Toilet flushing
Bedsheets moving as he climbs over
Video game
sighing exhale
Mirror door shutting
Spreading jam on the toast
Zipping up trousers
Spoon tapping on the cup
Fridge door shutting
Tap running

Using the blinds when the storm goes
Turning on a computer (click mouse)

Disaster movies!
                                                                                                                            Monday 7th March 2022
LO:To explore the disaster movie genre.

Apollo 13:Apollo 13 was the seventh crewed mission in the Apollo space program and the third meant to land on the Moon. The craft was launched from Kennedy Space Center on April 11, 1970, but the lunar landing was aborted after an oxygen tank in the service module failed two days into the mission.
Titanic:RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner, operated by the White Star Line, which sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912 after striking an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton, UK, to New York City.
The impossible:Maria, Henry and their three kids decide to spend Christmas in Thailand. But their luxurious holiday turns into a nightmare when a tsunami swells up unannounced, thereby separating the family.
Whitehouse down:A Capitol policeman leaps into action to save his daughter and protect the American president from a group of terrorists who have seized the White House.
love and monsters:Forced to live underground after an apocalypse, a boy decides to venture out of his colony in order to reunite with his girlfriend.
Jurassic world:A theme park showcasing genetically-engineered dinosaurs turns into a nightmare for its tourists when one of the dinosaurs escapes its enclosure. An ex-military animal expert steps up to save the day.

The impossible:
  • I think it was the older boy Lucas
  • The older boy has to get his mother and the little boy to safety
  • This is a natural disaster
  • Im pretty sure that all or most of the family members survive the tragic disaster.
  • It involves travel, they need to travel a very long distance to find a hospital

Whitehouse down:
  • I think that John Cale is the main character 
  • Not a member of his family so much, he has to get the president to safety to earn his daughters love.
  • The disaster doesn't fall into any of the listed category's
  • The disaster was overcome
  • The main character has to travel around the Whitehouse and through these underground tunnels with the president.
Love and Monsters:
  • Male main character
  • He is trying to keep his girlfriend safe in a way I guess
  • I think it would fall under the category of an epidemic
  • They all survive the monsters in the end, i'm pretty sure if i remember right.
  • He has to travel like half way across the country for this girl (in my opinion, not worth it)
All of these films are similar in a few ways such as:
  • They all (in my eyes), have male main characters
  • They are all on some sort of mission in a way, there is something that they need to do.
  • All of the main characters have to travel a long way.
  • The top and bottom films have an outside setting
  • They are all very dramatic in a way, like you cant really see the world being taken over by monsters and things are maybe slightly over exaggerated in some of these films.

My disaster movie: So basically, all of the people are wolves and the enemies are vampires. 
  • The main character of the story changes, at the start it is a blonde lady called... and further towards the end and for most of the film, it will be a baby.
  • The disaster is that the baby will be a destructive monster that is going to have enough power to kill a load of people an possibly even wipe out like the whole population and rule the world, the baby also has the power to use natures elements.
  • Three other characters, the husband, the friends/maids
  • The husband's dad who he doesn't love because he is absolutely horrible will die at the start
  • Some people want to take the baby because they know the power that it will hold so there is a lot of fighting to protect the lady and the baby who hold a lot of power as I have already exaggerated.
  • The film ends happily because 
  • The lady, the baby, the husband/father of the baby will all be a happy family living in peace and harmony.

The film could be called---------- Child of moon dust, accepting the elements

                                                                                                                               Monday 4th April 2022

Narrative theory
To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie. 

21/3- Good work, T 2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set 3. More detail on what is the overall mood of the film? How will you show this through costumes or settings?

Setting:Scrapping everything above, the film would be set in a large city area, probably in a place somewhat like New York. I was thinking like the same sort of setting as the Godzilla film. Massive skyscrapers and brightly lit buildings in a dark night. Lots of busy roads and taxis everywhere. Lots of crushed buildings by the end of it. The film would be set in modern day.

Mood:At the start of the film (before the nuclear explosion and the baby) everyone in the city was pretty nice to each other, no one was particularly mean, people don't really notice one another, they just pass each other in the street. When the nuclear explosion happened, people started to just notice one another are there but then they go back to their own business. When the baby is born and everyone realises it is a complete monster, everyone start to work together a little bit more to defeat the baby. Everyone is going crazy trying to find their family and make sure that they are ok during this terrible disaster.

Costume:The people will be wearing their usual New York busy people suit and tie, formal dress wear sort of thing.

Equilibrium:Normality (doesn't have to be good or a perfect world, just normal)
Disruption:Something happens (usually caused by the films main protagonist) to disrupt normal life.
Recognition of disruption:The protagonist realises something is wrong, discovers the disruption.
Attempt to solve: The main protagonist goes on a journey to solve the disruption and save everyone.
New Equilibrium: The disruption is solved and a new normality occurs (never the same as the original equilibrium, a NEW normal life)

Applying Todorov to my film
Equilibrium: Everyone in the city is fine, no-one really cares about anyone else but no-one is particularly mean, they just pass each other in the street and sometimes say hello. 
Disruption:There was a nuclear explosion in the area and lots of people who lived close, had to evacuate. That disruption was quickly solved but then the real disruption was that the main character's baby had some sort of nuclear poison and mutated slightly and turned into a monster and started on a killing spree killing absolutely everyone in it's path and crushing buildings leaving the city in ruins.
Recognition of disruption: The police and military decide to try and shoot at the baby that is killing everyone but the baby is too strong and the bullets don't effect it in any way so that doesn't work but then these big scientist guys come in and realise a way that they can tweak the DNA of the baby to bring it back to normality but the police and military guys have to capture and restrain the monstrous baby first which isn't an easy job but it is eventually done and the problem is finally solved.
New Equilibrium: The remaining people in the city are more united than ever. Everyone has to clean up the city to give it some normality and make the city more habitable for everyone. The citizens have to forgive and forget and not hold a grudge against the main characters r the baby seeing as it was no-ones fault and no-one asked for that to happen even though the forgiving and forgetting is hard for some people as everyone lost family members and friends. 

Applying Propp's to my film
Hero:The scientist dudes that come up with and go through with the DNA tweaking idea to save the Baby and the rest of the world.
Villain: The villain is also the baby because it is destroying everything and killing everyone
Donor: So basically there is going to be a video and the journal of genius scientist who unfortunately died but he had studied things like DNA tweaking and had made a video explaining it all and had jotted all of the information about it in his journal. The journal and video was found by  younger scientist (the hero).
Helper: The police and Military guys (they help the scientists get stuff that they need but they are never clever enough to truly understand anything about the procedure etc).
Princess: the princess is in a way both the world and the baby, everyone is trying to protect both.
Dispatcher: The hero sends himself out to save the world no-one else tells him to do that.
Princesses father: The parents of the baby who are really protective of the baby and are making their best efforts to try and make sure that the police and military don't hurt their baby and they themselves are trying to find their own solution to try and save their baby even though it is a complete monster. Also the government because they are trying to protect the city from the devilish baby.
False Hero: The police and Military guys look like they are the ones who saved the world, when if the scientists hadn't come along, the police and military would have continued to shoot at the baby which wasn't ever going to work and everyone in the world would eventually die and the world would end.

Script writing and storyboarding                                                                                                             
                                                                                                                                Monday 18th May 2022
LO:To effectively develop an idea for a disaster story.

New York was fine before the nuclear explosion. The nuclear explosion that ruined everything.

New York was fine before the Nuclear explosion that ruined everything.
There was one couple of unfortunate, expecting parents whose baby was poisoned by the nuclear explosion. The baby was some sort of mutation and became a threat to Everyone. This monster of a baby started killing everyone and New York city was in ruins and everyone has to work together to conjure up a solution that will save the baby and the world.

'Im hungry'-Looking through the kitchen, rubbing your stomach, stomach grumbling, Being impatient and saying "mum is dinner ready" repeatedly.

'I've lost the cat'-Shouting the cats name, crying, running round looking under things for the cat, putting food out for the cat, putting flyers out.

'I'm so tired'-Yawning, lying down in bed, getting droopy eyes

'Im late for school'-Running around frantically with a piece of toast in their mouth, shouting "im late, im late", running to the bus or to school.

'I'm really annoyed with her'-get mad, tell them to leave you alone, punch them, say something rude to them

Disaster strikes


MEG and JAMIE are watching tearfully as their baby creates havoc for everyone in the city.

MEG shrieks loudly and turns to JAMIE.

How much longer do we have to suffer this madness. (Shakey/broken voice, slightly sniffling)

MEG breaks down and starts crying.

JAMIE sighs loudly

I don't know darling, I don't know. (Calm and but kind of sad)

CIVILIANS are running around screaming.

CIVILIAN 1:HELP! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP! (Shouting loudly and panicking)


LO: To explore how a film is made and the various industry roles
                                                                                                                                Monday 6th June 2022

T2: Try to add this to a storyboard format so that you can explore the camera shots used for the scene.

I nearly finished but I didn't finish it quite yet


Foley effects
Film crew (camera men)
technicians and lighting crew etc.
makeup artists

Director- Average salary- $250K to $2M Directors are storytellers. They are in charge of every creative aspect from development to post-production, ensuring the film’s story is conveyed through the Actors’ performances and the onscreen visuals.
Screenwriter- Average salary$110,000 for a spec film scripScreenwriters and TV Writers write scripts for film, TV, commercials, and other types of content, including all scenes and dialogue. Their work may also involve writing treatments and series bibles as they build the worlds of the films and shows we watch.
Cinematographer-The Cinematographer (aka Director of Photography) works with the Director to achieve the visual aesthetic of a film/TV production.Cinematography is the art of visual storytelling, with a focus on lighting, lens choice, filters, camera angles and movement.The Cinematographer works with the Director to achieve the overall visual aesthetic of a film, television show, music video, or other type of content. Average salary-$65,000.

There are three stages of production

Pre-production-Pre-production is the work done on a product, especially a film or broadcast program before full-scale production begins. Elements of video production such as the script, casting, location scouting, equipment and crew, and the shot list all happen during pre-production.
Production-The production stage, also known as principal photography, is when shooting begins. During this short timeframe, additional crew will be hired—like a script supervisor to check for script continuity while filming, and a property master to acquire and oversee any of your film's props.
Post-Production-Postproduction is the editing of audio and visual materials to create a film. An editor assembles footage shot by shot, adds music (either original or licensed), and incorporates other visual and sound effects.

Film distribution- Film distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience. This is normally the task of a professional film distributor, who would determine the marketing strategy for the film, the media by which a film is to be exhibited or made available for viewing, and who may set the release date and other matters. The film may be exhibited directly to the public either through a movie theater or television, or personal home viewing (including DVD, video-on-demand, download, television programs through broadcast syndication). For commercial projects, film distribution is usually accompanied by film promotion.  The average film budgeted over £10 million costs £2.4million to distribute. The average film budgeted under £500,000 costs £40,000 to distribute.

Film marketing

Movie posters

Teaser trailers


Film premier

Movie Marketing                                                                                                    Monday 20th June 2022
List all of the different methods you can think of to market (promote) a movie.

social media
Movie premiers
Interviews/talk shows

Artwork/movie posters

Trailers and teaser trailers

Social media posts

toys/action figures, maybe character top trump cards

1)You usually see film posters on billboards, sides of busses, you can buy film posters online.
2)Trying to make sure that they can make as many people as possible see the posters when they are distributing them.
3)Film name, release date, the staring actors, like a little blurb thing, the company that made the film (e.g Marvel studios)

They tend to use mostly larger fonts, block capitals etc, mostly darker colours
Mostly about storms or other natural disasters, mainly male actors/heros, About the end of the world, 

We can tell that this movie is in the disaster genre because of the dark colours that are used and the fact that it suggests that it is about a natural disaster. I can't really see but it looks like the person on the poster is a man, that fits into the common genre conventions along with the bald capital font used. Also the idea of bravery is a genre convention. Gerard butler is in it and I have seen him in several great films on Netflix. Lots of CGI to make the storm seem really real and more terrifying. This film is commonly linked with other disaster movies such as the day after tomorrow and 2012. It is distributed by Warner Bro's pictures which is a really big company. They used the colour red on the name of the film to emphasise danger and possibly death. They made sure to make the waves bigger than the skyscrapers so that you will know just how dangerous this tsunami actually is and to show how big the waves were compared to a skyscraper. 

                                                                                                                                   Monday 4th July 2022
Conventions-the way something is usually done, what to expect to see.

Main image- Done
Title- Done
Tagline- Done
Credit block- No
Actors names- Done
Directors names- No
Release Date- Done

                                                                                                                                 Monday 18th July 2022
Disaster movie trailer
LO: To create an effective trailer

the internet was rubbish so some of the things I needed weren't loading but its mostly done.
Self assessment: Title, release date, details on sound, description of shots.


  1. 22/11- excellent notes. Target: 3. explain your colour and setting choices for the final task, why did you choose them and what do they suggest.

  2. 21/3- Good work, T 2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set
    3. More detail on what is the overall mood of the film? How will you show this through costumes or settings?

  3. 16/5- Great work today, T: 2. Try to add this to a storyboard format so that you can explore the camera shots used for the scene.

  4. 4/7- Great start. 1: Make sure that you have all the elements on your poster: Main Image
    Credit Block
    Actor names/director name
    Release date


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