Magazine Front Covers

                                                                                                                                 Thursday 28th April 2022

LO:To identify the features on a magazine front cover; to explore genre codes and conventions

Masthead- The name of the magazine company, goes in big letters at the top of the page

Dateline- The date on which it was published, goes in the top right corner in small writing by the masthead or by the barcode.

Main image-Means what it says, the big image in the middle of the front page usually the onl image and fills most of the page.

Cover lines-Basically the writing that tells you a bit about what the magazine is about, goes on the right side next to the main image in smallish writing.

Main cover line-Like the headline of a news article it goes on the opposite side or above the cover lines and tells you what the magazine is about.

Barcode/price-Exactly what is says, it goes on the front bottom corner of the magazine

Tagline/strapline-A slogan/message, catchy, usually goes somewhere near the masthead

Pull quote-It is a quote that has been pulled from an article and used in the magazine


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