media language analysis

Thursday 7th October 2021

analyse a media text using media language

This is a mid long shot and it is used because it is drawing attention to his facial expression, body language and it is easy to see what he is wearing and his gun and holster.
The picture tells us that 1 he is wealthy because of the clothes that he is wearing as they look pretty brand new and he usually wears like new suites and tuxedos, also because he is wearing a watch that looks like it could be pretty expensive. Also he looks like an assassin because he is dressed like a normal person other that his gun and holster which of course adds to the assassin look. The background sis painted gold which makes us assume (if we hadn't already watched it) that he is important and special and we would assume that he is the main character. The gold is painted onto what looks like the wall of some suspicious alleyway or something witch is a bit sketchy and also makes us think that he is up to something.

gun shooting-because the gun shots show action and violence an

car wheels screeching-Because they were going very fast because of like car chases and stuff. Makes it more tense

Things blowing up-Makes it more tense and exciting because they can hear it.

Car engines-also because they were going fast.

fighting and punching-Makes it more tense and exciting

All of these things are kept in because the genre is action and so they kind of try to show that by putting all of these things in and they make it really tense and they have to keep the audience hooked on this so that they will buy and watch the film so they have to make people like it.

the transition was kind of like a blink, it faded into black. This showed change of place and time. At the end, it got a bit more action packed, the transition started to slow.

 It is a long shot and it shows their whole bodies and the scene around them.

It shows like the little health kits and this shows you the video game stuff thats going on there. It also shows the personalities that they have like guy dosen't have a care in the world about whats going on he just thinks its normal and how Keys in thew back there is a little bit freaked out. Guy is carrying a coffee cup which suggests that he is normal and plain but he is also carrying a goldfish bowl this tells us that he is a little bit abnormal and different which he is. Also the pink bunny costume gives off an abnormal and weird vibe because grown men wearing pink bunny costumes is definitely not normal. The guy in the back is wearing a black cloak and looks as if he isn't very happy about what's going on. The cloak and the bad attitude gives us the impression that he is the bad guy. Guy is in the front because he is the main character. Everybody else is behind guy because they are not the main character and they are following him because they are relying on him to save them all. Guy is very cheerful and happy even though the world around his is burning and everybody is relying on him. The pink bunny guy has a very serious facial expression even though he is a pink bunny.

Thursday 14th October

Establishing shot, mid shots and close ups but mostly the first two.

In the dune trailer, camerawork is used effectively to sell the movie and make it look cool so that people want to watch it. They mostly use mid shots to show the characters, clothes, actors, facial expressions etc. They also use establishing shots to show where they are and how small the characters look in comparison to the open desert in the middle of no-where (the setting).

In the dune trailer, soundtrack is used correctly to intensify the film and give it more suspense so that people will want to watch it.

This specific shot type shows his facial expression and clothes. I t also shows his body language and the way he holds himself.


  1. This is an excellent first analysis Milly-May! Well done.
    WWW: you've used lots of accurate terminology
    EBI: you try to use the term 'connotes' or 'connotations' as well.


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