Theoretical frame work


LO: To apply the theoretical framework to media texts

Media language is all the different elements used to construct any media product.

It includes:Camera work (Cinematology)


Mise-en scene


Camerawork which is shot type, angle and movement

Establishing shots is crucial and shows things like time of day, setting and compares the scale of things.

Wide shot positions subjects far from the camera, scale of the subject, it places people in the scene.

Full shot (Long shot) shows full body.

Medium full shot is from top of head to just above he waist. Think of cowboys. Shows characters as Confident, confrontational. Thigh up.

Medium shot-mid shot most popular shot above the head to stomach area how we see people when we interact.

Medium close up shot is on magazines, from shoulders or mid chest to above head.

Close up, change of emotion or dramatic, characters thoughts and feelings, empathy, face and eyes are windows to the soul, shows facial expressions and emotions.

Extreme close up shot, isolate a specific area typically eyes can be used with objects and props and things.

Camera angles

High angle is higher up looking down on the subject making them look smaller and more vulnerable.

low angle is where the camera is lower and looking up at the subject from below making them look stronger and taller/ bigger.

straight angle is where the camera is at the subjects eye line.


Includes all sound heard in a film/TV show.
Sound effects

Can be diegetic and non  diegetic

Diegetic is all the sound that you would hear if you were inside the scene.

Non diegetic is all of the noise (mostly music) that is added in that only the audience can hear but not the actors/actresses. 

The grunting from when they were fighting

The lady shouting

The glass shattering

gun shots 

hitting landing on the floor

the sound of the knife through the air.

The music is the non diegetic.

Mise-en scene:

This is everything that can be seen on frame. Visual.



hair and makeup




 actor positioning

 Body language and facial expression


This is all the post production work on a moving image:
Pace and speed of cuts
Green screening


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